Being a teenager in America can be rough these days and many of our young people are in dire need of guidance and support. In my practice I've noticed a trend of students with drug and alcohol issues, depression, anxiety, behavior, academics and an overall lack of respect for life in general. These package are designed for students in high school or young people who may not be on the college track, but are in need of immediate intervention on an emotional level.
Beliefs/Thoughts = Feelings = Behavior.
We must rewire the belief system in order for behavior to change.
Parents are struggling with their students behavior and want to see dramatic changes in it. However, it's my firm belief (and I have science to back this up) that first, beliefs and thoughts need to change ... THEN behavior will follow.
Our Student Growth Packages are comprehensive and designed with a holistic approach for young people and their parents. While some parents have the desire to be more "hands off" others want to be heavily involved in their child's process. Because of this, we have designed 2 options for our Student Growth Packages.
Student Growth Package 1
Package lasts for 4 weeks. Weeks don’t need to be consecutive.
Includes 60 minute session per week.
Weekly email update discussing progress, talking points, guidance, and ideas for the family.
Student Growth Package 2
Package lasts for 4 weeks. Weeks don’t need to be consecutive.
Includes 60 minute session per week.
30 Minute Parent Call or Email PRIOR to each session to update me on issues at hand.
15 Minute Parent Call or Email AFTER each session to update on talking points, guidance, and ideas for helping the student get through their upcoming week.