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Academic Elevation

  • American Job Center 1598 Green Lea Boulevard Gallatin, TN, 37066 United States (map)

Did you know that if your student fits into a colleges top 25% mark, they will most likely get in, be able get out in 4 years, and will get the most aid possible at that college? In this 2.5 hour workshop, students will learn about Academic Elevation and the importance of creating the right list of colleges as it pertains to acceptance, completion, and leveraging the most financial aid possible from each school. We will look at my data base to see acceptance rates, retention rates, top 25% marks, and how each student currently FITS into each college. At the end of this workshop, students will have a list of 10-50 colleges that are academically, socially, and financially great fits. Students will also have data to show what type of growth they will need in order to get into and be successful at their chosen college.
Limited Seats Available.

EVENT FEE: $225.00
Preferred Payment Method: Venmo
For alternative payment methods, please contact me directly

June 4

College Resume Building

June 10

Essay Writing for College Admissions